1. General operating procedures.

    Radiotelephony (RTF) provides the means by which pilots and ground personnel communicate with each other. The information and instructions transmitted are of vital importance in the safe and expeditious operation of aircraft. 

    Incidents and accidents have occurred in which a contributing factor has been the use of non-standard procedures and phraseology. The importance of using correct and precise standardized phraseology cannot be overemphasized.

    2. Transmitting techniques .

    The following transmitting techniques will assist in ensuring that transmitted speech is clear: 

    • Listen out on the frequency some seconds before transmitting to ensure that there will be no interference with a transmission from another station
    • Press the transmit switch fully before speaking and do not release it until the message is completed. This will ensure that the entire message is transmitted
    • Use a normal conversational tone, and speak clearly and distinctly and maintain the speaking volume at a constant level 
    • Make a slight pause before and after numbers will assist in making them easier to understand 
    • Avoid using hesitation sounds such as "er"
    • Suspend speech temporarily if it becomes necessary to turn the head away from the microphone When switching to a new frequency, using TeamSpeak, the active transmission can be not heard all the time. So, it is important to listen first before transmitting. 
    3. Transmission of letters.

    With the exception of the telephony designator and the type of aircraft, each letter in the aircraft call sign shall be spoken separately using the phonetic spelling.

    WordPronunciationIPA from ICAOWordPronunciationIPA from ICAO
    A - ALFAAL fahˈælfɑN - NOVEMBERno VEM bernoˈvembə
    B - BRAVOBRAH vohˈbrɑːˈvoO - OSCAROSS carˈɔskɑ
    C - CHARLIECHAR lee OR SHAR leeˈtʃɑːli or ˈʃɑːliP - PAPApah PAHpəˈpɑ
    D - DELTADELL tahˈdeltɑQ - QUEBECkeh BECKkeˈbek
    E - ECHOECK ohˈekoR - ROMEOROW me ohˈroːmiˑo
    F - FOXTROTFOKS trotˈfɔkstrɔtS - SIERRAsee AIR rahsiˈerɑ
    G - GOLFgolfɡʌlf [sic]T - TANGOTANG goˈtænɡo [sic]
    H - HOTELhoh TELhoːˈtelU - UNIFORMYOU nee form OR OO nee formˈjuːnifɔːm or ˈuːnifɔrm [sic]
    I - INDIAIN dee ahˈindiˑɑV - VICTORVIK tahˈviktɑ
    J - JULIETJEW lee ETTˈdʒuːliˑˈetW - WHISKEYWISS keyˈwiski
    K - KILOKEY lohˈkiːloX - X-RAYECKS rayˈeksˈrei
    L - LIMALEE mahˈliːmɑY - YANKEEYANG keyˈjænki [sic]
    M - MIKEmikemɑikZ - ZULUZOO looˈzuːluː
    To expedite communications, the use of phonetic spelling should be dispensed with if there is no risk of this affecting correct reception and intelligibility of the message.

    4. Transmission of numbers.

    0 ZE-RO7 SEV en
    1 WUN8 AIT
    2 TOO9 NIN er
    3 TREEDecimal DAY SEE MAL
    4 FOW erHundred HUN dred
    5 FIFEThousand TOU SAND
    6 SIX
    The syllables printed in capital letters are to be stressed.

    4.1. Transmission by pronouncing each digit separately.

    The numbers in the table below shall be transmitted by pronouncing each digit separately:

    Aircraft call signs
    Transmitted as
    CCA 238
    Air china two three eight
    OAL 242
    Olympic two four two

    Flight level 
    Transmitted as
    FL 180
    Flight level one eight zero 
    FL 200
    Flight level two zero zero

    Transmitted as
    100°heading one zero zero
    080°heading zero eight zero 

    Wind direction / speed
    Transmitted as
    200° 25ktWind two zero zero degrees two five knots
    160° 18kt Wind one six zero degrees one eight knots

    Transponder codes
    Transmitted as
    2400 Squawk two four zero zero

    Transmitted as
    27Runway two seven 
    30Runway three zero 

    Altimeter Transmitted as
    1010 One zero one zero
    1000 One zero zero zero
    999 Nine nine nine

    4.2. Transmission by pronouncing digit.

    All numbers used in the transmission of altitude, cloud height, visibility and runway visual range (RVR) information, which contain whole hundreds and whole thousands, shall be transmitted by pronouncing each digit in the number of hundreds or thousands followed by the word HUNDRED or THOUSAND as appropriate. 

    altitude Transmitted as
    800 fteight hundred
    3400 ftthree thousand four hundred
    12000 ftone two thousand

    cloud height
    Transmitted as
    1000 ftvisibility one thousand 
    700 ftvisibility seven hundred 

    runway visual range
    Transmitted as
    600 mRVR six hundred
    1700 mRVR one thousand seven hundred

    4.3. Transmission of frequency.

    All six digits of the numerical designator should be used to identify the transmitting channel in VHF radiotelephony communications, except in the case of both the fifth and sixth digits being zeros, in which case only the first four digits should be used:

    ChannelTransmitted as
    4.4. Transmission of time.

    Only the minutes of the hour should normally be required to transmit time. Each digit should be pronounced separately. However, the hour should be included when any possibility of confusion is possible. 
    Transmitted as
    0920 (09:20am) TWO ZERO ZERO NINE TWO ZERO

    5. Radiotelephony standard words. 

    ACKNOWLEDGELet me know that you have received and understood this message.
    APPROVEDPermission for proposed action granted.
    BREAKI hereby indicate the separation between portions of the message (to be used where there is no clear distinction between the text and other portions of the message).
    CANCELAnnul the previously transmitted clearance.
    CHECKExamine a system or procedure (no answer is normally expected).
    CLEAREDAuthorised to proceed under the conditions specified.
    CONFIRMHave I correctly received the following ... ? or
    Did you correctly receive this message ... ?
    CONTACTEstablish radio contact with ...
    CORRECTThat is correct.
    CORRECTIONAn error has been made in this transmission (or message indicated) the correct version is ...
    DISREGARDConsider that transmission as not sent.
    HOW DO YOU READWhat is the readability (i.e. clarity and strength) of my transmission?
    See 'clarity of transmission'.
    I SAY AGAINI repeat for clarity or emphasis.
    MAINTAINContinue in accordance with the condition(s) specified or in its literal sense, e.g. "Maintain VFR".
    MAYDAYMy aircraft and its occupants are threatened by grave and imminent danger and/or I require immediate assistance.
    MONITORListen out on (frequency).
    NEGATIVE"No" or "Permission is not granted" or "That is not correct".
    OVERMy transmission is ended and I expect a response from you ( not normally used in VHF communication).
    OUTMy transmission is ended and I expect no response from you ( not normally used in VHF communication).
    PAN PANI have an urgent message to transmit concerning the safety of my aircraft or other vehicle or of some person on board or within sight but I do not require immediate assistance.
    READ BACKRepeat all, or the specified part, of this message back to me exactly as received.
    REPORTPass me the following information.
    REQUESTI should like to know or I wish to obtain.
    ROGERI have received all of your last transmission
    (Under NO circumstances to be used in reply to a question requiring READ BACK or a direct answer in the affirmative or negative. Do not use the term 'COPY THAT' or double click the transmit button.)
    SAY AGAINRepeat all or the following part of your last transmission
    SPEAK SLOWERReduce your rate of speech.
    STANDBYWait and I will call you.
    VERIFYCheck and confirm with originator.
    WILCOI understand your message and will comply with it. (Do not use the term 'COPY THAT' or double click the transmit button.)

    6. Establishing communication.

    6.1. First contact.

    When establishing communications, a pilot initial call shall contain: 
    • Designation of the station being called (active controller)
    • Call sign of his aircraft, with the word “heavy” for aircraft in the heavy wake turbulence category
    • Position (on the apron or on route)
    • Additional elements required by controllers (like ATIS information letter, ATC restriction or last clearance to report)
    Pilot : Highvilla tower, DEHBA, at general aviation parking, information KILO on board.
    ATC : DEHBA, Highvilla tower, hello. 

    The pilot usually tranmits his call sign at the end of the message, as the air traffic controller may handle many aircraft at the same time. The pilots identify themselves using their unique call signs.

    An ATC shall begin his message with the concerned pilot call sign to be sure that the right pilot carefully listens in the clearances given. An ATC is not required to transmit his call sign. He can do it at the first contact or when the pilots misspell his call sign.

    6.2. Issue of clearance .

    Whenever possible, a route clearance should be passed to an aircraft before start up. Controllers should avoid passing a clearance to a pilot engaged in complicated taxiing maneuvers and on no occasion should a clearance be passed when the pilot is engaged in line up or take-off manoeuvres.

    Controllers should pass a clearance slowly and clearly since the pilot needs to write it down and wasteful repetition will thus be avoided.

    An air traffic control (ATC) route clearance is not an instruction to take off or enter an active runway.

    The words "TAKE OFF" are used only when an aircraft is cleared for take-off, or when cancelling a take-off clearance. At other times, the word "DEPARTURE" or "AIRBORNE" is used.

    6.3. Read back requirements.

    Read-back requirements have been introduced in the interest of flight safety.

    The stringency of the read-back requirement is directly related to the possible seriousness of a misunderstanding in the transmission and receipt of ATC clearances and instructions.

    Strict adherence to read-back procedures ensures not only that the clearance has been received correctly but also that the clearance was transmitted as intended. It serves as a check that the right aircraft, and only that aircraft, will take action on the clearance.

    The following shall always be read back:

    • ATC route clearances 
    • clearances and instructions to enter, land on, take off from, hold short of, cross and backtrack on any runway 
    • runway-in-use, altimeter settings, SSR codes, level instructions, heading and speed instructions 
    • transition level 
    An aircraft should terminate the read-back by its call sign.

    Examples of read back:

    ATC : DEHBA, taxi holding point runway 01  
    Pilot : taxi holding point runway 01, DEHBA
    ATC : DEHBA, squawk 4525
    Pilot : 4525, DEHBA

    If an aircraft read-back of a clearance or instruction is incorrect, the controller shall transmit the word "NEGATIVE I SAY AGAIN" followed by the correct version:
    ATC : DEHBA, QNH 1003  
    Pilot : QNH 1033, DEHBA
    ATC : DEHBA, Negative I say again, QNH 1003
    Pilot : QNH 1003, DEHBA

    6.4. Test procedure.

    When a communication with an air traffic controller seems to be difficult, a pilot can use a radio communication test procedure: 

    Test transmissions should take the following form as a pilot: 
    1. the identification of the aeronautical station being called; 
    2. your aircraft identification; 
    3. the words "RADIO CHECK" 
    4. the frequency being used. 

    Replies to test transmissions should be as follows: 
    1. the identification of the station calling; 
    2. the identification of the station replying; 
    3. Level of reception regarding the readability of the transmission.

    Readability of the transmission: Level of reception 
    Unreadable: 1 
    Readable now and then: 2 
    Readable but with difficulty: 3 
    Readable: 4 
    Perfectly readable: 5

    You can learn by yourself with the material below:
    - Live ATC

    Ariel Hendra Tambaani

    Author & Editor

    Flying is a lifetime adventure. It's a multidimensional activity that you can enjoy. you meet some great people and learn a bit about yourself along the way. And best of all, you can do it!

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