ICAO DocumentDescription
    Doc 4444 – Air Traffic ManagementThe Procedures for Air Navigations Services – Air Traffic Management specify, in great detail, the actual procedures to be applied by air traffic services units in providing the various air traffic services to air traffic.
    Doc 8168 – Aircraft Operations, Volume I Flight ProceduresFlight Procedures describes operational procedures recommended for the guidance of flight operations personnel and flight crew. It also outlines the various parameters on which the criteria in Volume II (Construction of Visual and Instrument Flight Procedures) are based so as to illustrate the need to adhere strictly to the published procedures in order to achieve and maintain an acceptable level of safety in operations.
    Doc 9432 – Manual of RadiotelphoyICAO phraseologies are developed to provide efficient, clear, concise, and unambiguous communications, and constant attention should be given to the correct usage of ICAO phraseologies in all instances in which they are applicable. The purpose of this manual is to provide examples of the radiotelephony phraseology defined across several other ICAO documents.
    Note: These documents are linked directly to their source at the Danish Civil Aviation Authority.

    Ariel Hendra Tambaani

    Author & Editor

    Flying is a lifetime adventure. It's a multidimensional activity that you can enjoy. you meet some great people and learn a bit about yourself along the way. And best of all, you can do it!

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