Ground Effect
is possible to fly an aircraft just clear of the ground (or water) at a
slightly slower airspeed than that required to sustain level flight at
higher altitudes. This is the result of a phenomenon better known of
than understood even by some experienced pilots.
an aircraft in flight comes within several feet of the surface, ground
or water, a change occurs in the threedimensional flow pattern around the
aircraft because the vertical component of the airflow around the wing
is restricted by the surface. This alters the wing’s upwash, downwash,
and wingtip vortices. [Figure 4-13] Ground effect, then, is
Figure 4-13. Ground effect changes airflow.
due to the interference of the ground (or water) surface with the airflow patterns about the aircraft in flight.
the aerodynamic characteristics of the tail surfaces and the fuselage
are altered by ground effect, the principal effects due to proximity of
the ground are the changes in the aerodynamic characteristics of the
wing. As the wing encounters ground effect and is maintained at a
constant lift coefficient, there is consequent reduction in the upwash,
downwash, and wingtip vortices.
drag is a result of the airfoil’s work of sustaining the aircraft, and a
wing or rotor lifts the aircraft simply by accelerating a mass of air
downward. It is true that reduced pressure on top of an airfoil is
essential to lift, but that is only one of the things contributing to
the overall effect of pushing an air mass downward. The more downwash
there is, the harder the wing pushes the mass of air down. At high
angles of attack, the amount of induced drag is high; since this
corresponds to lower airspeeds in actual flight, it can be said that
induced drag predominates at low speed.
the reduction of the wingtip vortices due to ground effect alters the
spanwise lift distribution and reduces the induced AOA and induced drag.
Therefore, the wing will require a lower AOA in ground effect to
produce the same CL. If a constant AOA is maintained, an increase in CL
results. [Figure 4-14]
effect also alters the thrust required versus velocity. Since induced
drag predominates at low speeds, the reduction of induced drag due to
ground effect will cause the most significant reduction of thrust
required (parasite plus induced drag) at low speeds.
reduction in induced flow due to ground effect causes a significant
reduction in induced drag but causes no direct effect on parasite drag.
As a result of the reduction in induced drag, the thrust required at low
speeds will be reduced. Due to the change in upwash, downwash, and
wingtip vortices, there may be a change in position (installation) error
of the airspeed system, associated with ground effect. In the majority
of cases, ground effect will cause an increase in the local pressure at
the static source and produce a lower indication of airspeed and
altitude. Thus, an aircraft may be airborne at an indicated airspeed
less than that normally required.
order for ground effect to be of significant magnitude, the wing must be
quite close to the ground. One of the direct results of ground effect
is the variation of induced drag with wing height above the ground at a
constant CL. When the wing is at a height equal to its span, the
reduction in induced drag is only 1.4 percent. However, when the wing is
at a height equal to one-fourth its span, the reduction in induced
is 23.5 percent and, when the wing is at a height equal to one-tenth
its span, the reduction in induced drag is 47.6 percent. Thus, a large
reduction in induced drag will take place only when the wing is very
close to the ground. Because of this variation, ground effect is most
usually recognized during the liftoff for takeoff or just prior to
touchdown when landing.
the takeoff phase of flight, ground effect produces some important
relationships. An aircraft leaving ground effect after takeoff
encounters just the reverse of an aircraft entering ground effect during
landing; i.e., the aircraft leaving ground effect will:
- Require an increase in AOA to maintain the same CL.
- Experience an increase in induced drag and thrust required.
- Experience a decrease in stability and a nose-up change in moment.
- Experience a reduction in static source pressure and increase in indicated airspeed.
Ground effect must be considered during takeoffs and
landings. For example, if a pilot fails to understand the relationship
between the aircraft and ground effect during takeoff, a hazardous
situation is possible because the recommended takeoff speed may not be
achieved. Due to the reduced drag in ground effect, the aircraft may
seem capable of takeoff well below the recommended speed. As the
aircraft rises out of ground effect with a deficiency of speed, the
greater induced drag may result in marginal initial climb performance.
In extreme conditions, such as high gross weight, high density altitude,
and high temperature, a deficiency of airspeed during takeoff may permit
the aircraft to become airborne but be incapable of sustaining flight
out of ground effect. In this case, the aircraft may become airborne
initially with a deficiency of speed, and then settle back to the
Figure 4-14. Ground effect changes drag and lift.
pilot should not attempt to force an aircraft to become airborne with a
deficiency of speed. The manufacturer’s recommended takeoff speed is
necessary to provide adequate initial climb performance. It is also
important that a definite climb be established before a pilot retracts
the landing gear or flaps. Never retract the landing gear or flaps prior
to establishing a positive rate of climb, and only after achieving a
safe altitude.
If, during the
landing phase of flight, the aircraft is brought into ground effect with a
constant AOA, the aircraft experiences an increase in CL and a
reduction in the thrust required, and a “floating” effect may occur.
Because of the reduced drag and power-off deceleration in ground effect,
any excess speed at the point of flare may incur a considerable “float”
distance. As the aircraft nears the point of touchdown, ground effect is
most realized at altitudes less than the wingspan. During the final
phases of the approach as the aircraft nears the ground, a reduced power
setting is necessary or the reduced thrust required would allow the
aircraft to climb above the desired glidepath (GP).
of an Aircraft
The axes of an aircraft are three imaginary lines that pass through an aircraft’s CG. The axes can be considered as imaginary axles around which the aircraft turns. The three axes pass through the CG at 90° angles to each other. The axis from nose to tail is the longitudinal axis, the axis that passes from wingtip to wingtip is the lateral axis, and the axis that passes vertically through the CG is the vertical axis. Whenever an aircraft changes its flight attitude or position in flight, it rotates about one or more of the three axes. [Figure 4-15]
The axes of an aircraft are three imaginary lines that pass through an aircraft’s CG. The axes can be considered as imaginary axles around which the aircraft turns. The three axes pass through the CG at 90° angles to each other. The axis from nose to tail is the longitudinal axis, the axis that passes from wingtip to wingtip is the lateral axis, and the axis that passes vertically through the CG is the vertical axis. Whenever an aircraft changes its flight attitude or position in flight, it rotates about one or more of the three axes. [Figure 4-15]
Figure 4-15. Axes of an airplane.
aircraft’s motion about its longitudinal axis resembles the roll of a
ship from side to side. In fact, the names used to describe the motion
about an aircraft’s three axes were originally nautical terms. They have
been adapted to aeronautical terminology due to the similarity of
motion of aircraft and seagoing ships. The motion about the aircraft’s
longitudinal axis is “roll,” the motion about its lateral axis is
“pitch,” and the motion about its vertical axis is “yaw.” Yaw is the
horizontal (left and right) movement of the aircraft’s nose.
three motions of the conventional airplane (roll, pitch, and yaw) are
controlled by three control surfaces. Roll is controlled by the
ailerons; pitch is controlled by the elevators; yaw is controlled by the
rudder. The use of these controls is explained in Chapter 5, Flight
Controls. Other types of aircraft may utilize different methods of
controlling the movements about the various axes.
example, weight-shift control aircraft control two axes, roll and
pitch, using an “A” frame suspended from the flexible wing attached to a
three-wheeled carriage. These aircraft are controlled by moving a
horizontal bar (called a control bar) in roughly the same way hang
glider pilots fly. [Figure 4-16] They are termed weight-shift control
aircraft because the pilot controls the aircraft by shifting the CG. For
more information on weight-shift control aircraft, see the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) Weight-Shift Control Flying Handbook,
FAA-H-8083-5. In the case of powered parachutes, aircraft control is
accomplished by altering the airfoil via steering lines.
Figure 4-16. A weight-shift control aircraft.
powered parachute wing is a parachute that has a cambered upper surface
and a flatter under surface. The two surfaces are separated by ribs that
act as cells, which open to the airflow at the leading edge and have
internal ports to allow lateral airflow. The principle at work holds that
the cell pressure is greater than the outside pressure, thereby forming
a wing that maintains its airfoil shape in flight. The pilot and
passenger sit in tandem in front of the engine which is located at the
rear of a vehicle. The airframe is attached to the parachute via two
attachment points and lines. Control is accomplished by both power and
the changing of the airfoil via the control lines. [Figure 4-17]
Figure 4-17. A powered parachute.
Moment and Moment Arm
study of physics shows that a body that is free to rotate will always
turn about its CG. In aerodynamic terms, the mathematical measure of an
aircraft’s tendency to rotate about its CG is called a “moment.” A
moment is said to be equal to the product of the force applied and the
distance at which the force is applied. (A moment arm is the distance
from a datum [reference point or line] to the applied force.) For
aircraft weight and balance computations, “moments” are expressed in
terms of the distance of the arm times the aircraft’s weight, or simply,
Aircraft designers
locate the fore and aft position of the aircraft’s CG as nearly as
possible to the 20 percent point of the mean aerodynamic chord (MAC). If
the thrust line is designed to pass horizontally through the CG, it
will not cause the aircraft to pitch when power is changed, and there
will be no difference in moment due to thrust for a power-on or
power-off condition of flight. Although designers have some control over
the location of the drag forces, they are not always able to make the
resultant drag forces pass through the CG of the aircraft. However, the
one item over which they have the greatest control is the size and
location of the tail. The objective is to make the moments (due to
thrust, drag, and lift) as small as possible and, by proper location of
the tail, to provide the means of balancing an aircraft longitudinally
for any condition of flight.
pilot has no direct control over the location of forces acting on the
aircraft in flight, except for controlling the center of lift by changing
the AOA. Such a change, however, immediately involves changes in other
forces. Therefore, the pilot cannot independently change the location of
one force without changing the effect of others. For example, a change
in airspeed involves a change in lift, as well as a change in drag and a
change in the up or down force on the tail. As forces such as
turbulence and gusts act to displace the aircraft, the pilot reacts by
providing opposing control forces to counteract this displacement.
aircraft are subject to changes in the location of the CG with
variations of load. Trimming devices are used to counteract the forces
set up by fuel burnoff, and loading or off-loading of passengers or
cargo. Elevator trim tabs and adjustable horizontal stabilizers comprise
the most common devices provided to the pilot for trimming for load
variations. Over the wide ranges of balance during flight in large
aircraft, the force which the pilot has to exert on the controls would
become excessive and fatiguing if means of trimming were not provided.
- Principles of Flight I
- Principles Of Flight (Aerodynamics¨Forces Acting on the Aircraft¨) II
- Principles Of Flight (Aerodynamics¨Wingtip Vortices¨) III
- Principles Of Flight (Aerodynamics¨Ground Effect, Axes of an Aircraft,Moment and Moment Arm¨) IV
- Principles Of Flight (Aerodynamics¨Aircraft Design Characteristics¨) V
- Principles Of Flight (Aerodynamics¨Aerodynamic Forces in Flight Maneuvers¨) VI
- Principles of Flight (Aerodynamics¨Stalls,Basic Propeller Principles¨) VII
- Principles of Flight (Aerodynamics¨Load Factors¨) VIII
- Principles of Flight (Aerodynamics¨Weight and Balance¨) IX
- Principles of Flight (Aerodynamics¨High Speed Flight¨) X
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